Tuesday, June 15, 2010

About Where is the best place to live in Denver for a young professional family (work in Arora)

Where is the best place to live in Denver for a young professional family (work in Arora)?
I'm moving from Melbourne, Australia to Denver next year with my wife, working at the hospital in Aurora. I have a 1 and 3 yr old. From what I hear Aurora isn't great to live in. What's a good suburb to live in? Should I try Boulder or is the commute too long?
Denver - 3 Answers
Random Answers, Critics, Comments, Opinions :
1 :
Boulder is waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too far! You're looking at, like an hour and a half minimum during rush hour! I wouldn't live that far. Try Thornton. My friend moved there, and she loves it! It's kinda cookie cutterish, the houses all look the same, but it's clean, and she says the schools are really good! Plus, it's much closer.
2 :
Boulder is not an option, unless you want to spend your life and your paycheck commuting. During Rush hour it woudl take well over an hour each way. I am quessing your going to be working at the Anshutz medical complex. Stapleton is a good option, it is a newer development in Denver. It is the repurposed old Airport. It is more expensive than other areas, but it is nice. The proplem with blanketing Aurora is that Aurora is huge in area. It runs basically 20 miles or so from south east denver to east of parker. WIthout knowing your price range, your commuting destination or your preferences, I would say start with Lowery and Stapleton. If you want more affordable but a little further try green valley ranch or reunion in commerce city.
3 :
Boulder is great, but it would be a long drive. Take a look at Lowery. It is a beautiful planned community that facilitates walking and getting to know your neighbors. Houses range from moderate to expensive. It is not just another boring 'burb but instead, a vibrant community. There are several hospitals in Aurora, but Lowery wouldn't be a bad drive from any of them. http://www.lowry.org/
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